Logs for lindaa_nicolee 
Good hiding spot, took a fair while to find..knowing it had something to do with bikes helped:)
Found with benji:)
Found with benji:)
Tricky at first, then obvious after we found it:) cute camo container!
Found with benji:)
Found with benji:)
X marks the spot! Fairly well hidden, was able to find it reasonably quickly:)
Found with benji:)
Found with benji:)
Awesome hiding spot, did not appreciate the massive huntsman guarding it though! Hahaa, found with benji
Took wayy too long to find, great camouflage though. Tricky spot, obvious when you find it:)
Found with benji:)
Found with benji:)
Broken when we found it so it was easy, tried to put it back together for the next person:)
Found with benji:)
Found with benji:)
Found this a few weeks ago on the 22nd of December but didn't log it
Tricky to find so late at night, almost didn't see the massive spider!
So cute, loved the geocache! Awesome first find:)
Tricky to find so late at night, almost didn't see the massive spider!
So cute, loved the geocache! Awesome first find:)