Logs for mafunwy 
Plenty of rain about today which is always good news in Perth,
and mud, but a very enjoyable outing all the same.
Found the DMC and we dropped off MRA SA Toy Run TB.
and mud, but a very enjoyable outing all the same.
Found the DMC and we dropped off MRA SA Toy Run TB.
My first find, awesome! I first looked either side of "the cache is not at these coordinates".
Then a visit to Puzzle Solving 101; finally a bike ride that took me across two bridges and
and then eventually to GZ. Skillfully concealed .... and now I've got the travel bug.
Then a visit to Puzzle Solving 101; finally a bike ride that took me across two bridges and
and then eventually to GZ. Skillfully concealed .... and now I've got the travel bug.