Logs for mjgretired 

Yay, got it. Lots of Travel Bugs in it that want to go places, but since we have some that need to be dropped, we didn't take any or leave any--enough in there already. Great container. Big enough to take a picture and see the GC number so you can prove you were there. Met some other geocachers while we were there who were from Ohio. Fun stuff 
Out visiting Cedar Pockets to see if we would like to do some camping and ATV riding in the area. As always we like to grab a few caches when we travel and we also do some trash pickup. This was a great area for that. Got 4 LARGE bags of trash just on the exit and entry ways to I-15--southbound side only. We didn't even go to the other side of the freeway and pick up trash there because we didn't have any more room in the trunk of the car to hold more. We could easily have filled another 4-5 bags. So sad that some people seem to not even care about the beauty of this land we call home. Their trash is so unsightly. We wish people cared more about the consequences of their actions when they toss something out the window. We found the cache as we were cleaning. Cleaning the roadway is an easy way to cover what you are really there for--geocaching in the great outdoors. What a beautiful sunny, warm day for that activity today. All is well with the cache. Cool TFTH 
Well we really didn't find it the first time. Only found the remains of it--two powerful magnets. Emailed the CO and said we would be happy to replace it for them. So that is what we did. It is now up the running again. Happy caching to all!! Cool 
Several DNF including ours. Time for some maintenance!! 
Found this after work. TFTH, Penny. 
Late log, have been out of town. Loved the history and recognition of our patriotic service members. TFTH 
Late log, have been out of town. One of three virtual caches found in town after getting of work. This is a sacred and beautiful landmark. TFTH 
Construction in the area may have disturbed/destroyed this one?? I had no luck finding anything that something magnetic could stick to. [?]