Logs for ranger_jurchik 
Další povedený výlet rangera_jurchika mladšího daleko za mořem. Počasí velice horké, na které nejsme zvyklí. Přes 40 stupňů celsia. Povedený cyklo výlet za speciální keškou která byla založena před spoustou let. Vyplnila tím mezeru v mém kalendáři keší dříve založených. Nalezeno bez problémů díky dobrému foto hintu. Zapsáno do logbooku na krásném odpočinkovém místě. Nic jsem neměnil. Návrat v tom horku byl vyčerpávající. Po návratu se z dálky ozývala bouřka.
Díky za hezkou kešku na krásném místě.
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Another hilarious trip rangera_jurchika younger far across the sea. Weather very hot, to which we are accustomed. Over 40 degrees Celsius. An excellent cycling trip for a special Kesko which was established many years ago. Filled the gap in my calendar caches previously established. Found without problems thanks to good picture hint. Entered in the logbook in a beautiful resting place. I did not change anything. Returning in the heat was exhausting. After returning from afar echoed storm.
Thanks for the nice cache in a beautiful location.
Díky za hezkou kešku na krásném místě.
Google translate
Another hilarious trip rangera_jurchika younger far across the sea. Weather very hot, to which we are accustomed. Over 40 degrees Celsius. An excellent cycling trip for a special Kesko which was established many years ago. Filled the gap in my calendar caches previously established. Found without problems thanks to good picture hint. Entered in the logbook in a beautiful resting place. I did not change anything. Returning in the heat was exhausting. After returning from afar echoed storm.
Thanks for the nice cache in a beautiful location.
Na dnešek jsem naplánoval výlet pro druhou polovinu jurchika mladšího na toto krásné místo. Chobotnice byla parádní. Fotek je spousty ale do logu jich přiložím jen pár. Užil jsem si skvělý výlet i když to odneslo kolo kde prasknul ventilek a nebyl náhradní. Vše ale dobře dopadlo, do domu na pláži jsme se dostali včas. Počasí bylo nádherné. Díky za hezkou virtuální kešku na krásném místě.
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On the day I planned a trip for the second half jurchika younger at this beautiful place. Octopus was great. Photos are many but the log will put them just a few. I enjoyed a great trip even though it took the wheel where the ruptured valve and not a replacement. But all went well into the beach house we got time. The weather was beautiful. Thanks for the nice virtual cache in a beautiful location.
Google translate
On the day I planned a trip for the second half jurchika younger at this beautiful place. Octopus was great. Photos are many but the log will put them just a few. I enjoyed a great trip even though it took the wheel where the ruptured valve and not a replacement. But all went well into the beach house we got time. The weather was beautiful. Thanks for the nice virtual cache in a beautiful location.
Ranger_jurchik mladší na dovolené daleko od domova. Druhá ulovená keška na území Austrálie. Je to trošku složité zde lovit když neumí anglicky a nápovědy u zdejších keší skoro nejsou. Ale i tak se daří pravidelně nalézt alespon jednu kešku za pár dní aniž by to nějak nabouralo plány na výlety po okolí. Snažím se mu dělat veškerou možnou podporu po internetu abych vše potřebné přeložil.
Zde mi značně pomohly fotky podle kterých jsem určil skrýš. Díky za hezkou kešku v pěkném prostředí.
Ranger_jurchik younger on holiday away from home. The second cache caught in Australia. It's a bit difficult here to hunt if not speak English and help with local caches almost not. But it still managed to regularly find at least one cache in a few days without it somehow crashed plans to explore the area. I am trying to do it all possible support through the Internet to translate everything you need.
Here I greatly assist photos in which I declare stash. Thanks for the nice cache in a nice environment.
Zde mi značně pomohly fotky podle kterých jsem určil skrýš. Díky za hezkou kešku v pěkném prostředí.
Ranger_jurchik younger on holiday away from home. The second cache caught in Australia. It's a bit difficult here to hunt if not speak English and help with local caches almost not. But it still managed to regularly find at least one cache in a few days without it somehow crashed plans to explore the area. I am trying to do it all possible support through the Internet to translate everything you need.
Here I greatly assist photos in which I declare stash. Thanks for the nice cache in a nice environment.
Ranger_jurchik Mladší vyrazil na cesty do teplých kraju. Vyrazil na dovolenou do Austrálie. Odvezl jsem ho na letiště Václava Havla do Prahy odkud putoval do Francie na letiště charles de Gaoul. Další přestup právě zde v Shanghaji. Bylo jasné, že musí odlovit místní kešku na letišti protože měl dostatek času. PO přestupu pokračoval dále do Austrálie. Kde byl opět nějaký čas na odlov než se vydal do hotelu. PO chvilkovém hledání nalezeno. Pro dnešek po vyčerpání šel spinkat. Díky za hezkou kešku v pěkném prostředí.
Ranger_jurchik Younger went on a trip to warmer climes. He went on a vacation to Australia. I drove him to the airport Vaclav Havel in Prague, where they traveled to France to Roissy Charles de Gaoul. Another change right here in Shanghai. It was clear that the local cache must be taken at the airport because they had plenty of time. PO transfer went on to Australia. Where was it again some time to catch before heading to the hotel. After a moment's search found. For today, after exhausting gone beddy. Thanks for the nice cache in a nice environment.
Ranger_jurchik Younger went on a trip to warmer climes. He went on a vacation to Australia. I drove him to the airport Vaclav Havel in Prague, where they traveled to France to Roissy Charles de Gaoul. Another change right here in Shanghai. It was clear that the local cache must be taken at the airport because they had plenty of time. PO transfer went on to Australia. Where was it again some time to catch before heading to the hotel. After a moment's search found. For today, after exhausting gone beddy. Thanks for the nice cache in a nice environment.