Logs for uggnugg 

Explored with KidWrangler. We were on our way to the Texas Challenge and needed not only those counties along the way but as many virtual caches as we could get. This would be our first cache after our car broke down and was left in Round Rock. Seems a rent-a-car would be our mode of transportation for the next few days. We parked across the street and were playing a game as to who this might be. We crossed the street and made GZ. Found the required info and thought I was having a much better day then this guy. So in a way this cache picked me up. TFTGC

Email sent for both KidWrangler and myself. 
Found with KidWrangler and TerraViators. Just after an earthcache we headed over. Road construction was making it hard to make the turns I needed to get us close to GZ. In the end I finally made it and just took my chances that the local PoPo was not in the area. KW and TV gathered the info needed and TV returned to the car. KW was still taking pictures in the dark I think just to frazzle me. It seemed like I had been standing for about 10 minutes and I really did not want a ticket at this point. Finally back in the car we headed over to a webcam which we later found out was not working. TFTC