Happy B'day GCA (online event) Northern Territory, Australia
By No Tomorrow on 28-Mar-20. Waypoint GA14515

Cache Details

Type: Event
Container: Other
Coordinates: S25° 36.527' E134° 21.706' (WGS 84)
  53J 435916E 7167485N (UTM)
Elevation: 307 m
Local Government Area: Macdonnell Region


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An online party (chat really) celebrating Geocaching Australia's birthday.

You are invtied to join No Tomorrow for an online birthday event.
We will be celebrating Geocaching Australia's 17th birthday and 20 years of Geocaching.

Wherever you are, on computer or phone, so long as you have access to the internet and 'Zoom' open in a browser or app.

9pm New Zealand
8pm Norfolk Island
7pm ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania
6.30pm South Australia
6pm Queensland
5.30pm Northern Territory
5pm Western Australia

Why online:
Because we should all be practicing social disrtancing on the 28th March 2020.
Maybe you are over isolation and want to chat with others.
Maybe you are in quarantine (which I really hope you aren't, but my thoughts are with those who unfortunately are - you are welcome here).

With your help I hope to discuss great moments in Geoaching Australia's story so far,and Geocaching in general. We may discuss geocaching names, games, goals and stats. Look out for a the event forum post where you can have a say in what you might like to discuss. All suggestions are welcome, but chances are not all will be followed. Forum post: https://forum.geocaching.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20176

Follow this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/600555632
I will also send a private message to each person attending with the link and my phone number to message me in case you are having trouble accessing it (messages only, not calls).
Zoom Cloud Meetings is accessible with both web browser and smart phone app. It is free. You will need to sign up. When you first join the meeting you may be asked to open/install a connected program on your computer, or asked to access audio and video on your phone. This is necessary and appears safe. Just follow the prompts. It should be straight forward. I raised the difficulty rating of this event due to having to navigate the app. haha.
The event will run for 35 to 40 minutes.
Using headphones or muting your microphone when not speaking will help reduce the chance of a feedback loop (an awful noise) but may not be necessary.

If this all works and people like the idea, I might make another event some time soon.


Our first ever virtual event, a little lost at first but we got there in the end, thank Very HappyVery Happy you for hosting this event
Thank you everyone for the great night.
Stay safe.
In case anyone is worried, I won't be archiving this cache till after the March pathtag winners are announced.
What an awesome event! An incredible turn out; with some very interesting conversations reflecting upon our wonderful times with GCA (and me realising how long ago I actually started caching)! I have hope that these virtual events will get us through some tough times - I even have ideas to host one myself now! Thanks No_Tomorrow for being a lovely, organised host!
Was so great to chat with everyone from around the country during this unusual kind of event! Logged in from the comfort of my lounge room in Canberra, where I am slowly recovering from my shoulder surgery. Thanks for enabling us all to get together and catch up!
What a great idea. Well done to the No_Tomorrow for her great moderation and control of the masses. I had a lot of fun listening to everyone and seeing people when I think most of us are pretty much in isolation. Well done to all. Clear skies from TeamAstro. PS - included is a screen capture image.
Well it was certainly lots of fun.

My first online experience to be had.

Nice to join in the banter.

TFTE Very Happy
I mainly sat and quietly listened to some more experienced GCA members.
Took it as an opportunity to assess how Zoom performed so the South Australian community of cachers might be able to utilise to keep in contact while we STAY AT HOME!

Thanks No_Tomorrow for organising and doing a great job of running it. Very Happy
Thankyou for hosting I was a bit nervous to talk but so glad i did.
A prompt from MattyRx just before the event assured us Zoom was simple to use. I for one thought 'yeah right, for a techno whiz maybe' and expected dropouts, sound problems and confusing icons. But he was right. This was an excellent way to hold a virtual event and hosted so efficiently by the CO.. or is that EO... ? Thanks for setting up this excellent event No_Tomorrow and for getting us (make that me) out of my limited technology zone. Really enjoyed the fun of attending so many celebration events in one day. Very Happy Happy birthday Geocaching Australia. Clapping
Well, that was fun!
I joined in during the event - only found out about it when I went inside after getting side tracked pulling weeds out of my lawn, and saw the link in a FB chat group. I wasn't even sure what event it was ... it was only when I checked to see what all the FB chat was about that I realised that Kittykatch's virtual event, which I had intended to intend, was today, not tomorrow, and I had missed it - so between being flustered about that, and having trouble figuring out why I had no sound - I might have been a bit annoying ... oops? ... sorry.
TFTE - I would definitely call it a success Smile
Thank you for another great virtual event today! I've had a great time getting to meet some other cachers (in lieu of the mega being postponed) and have learnt a few things too, being new to GCA. Would have loved to stay online longer but the family beckoned Smile
Thanks so much No_Tomorrow for putting this birthday event together. Sorry I came in late, I was attending +Wife's Party (GA14551) until the internet dropped out and I then I realized how late it was and came to share your event. Happy Birthday GCA Dancing
Quickly attended with minniek and Dad (fitzy).

Thank you for organising such an interesting event.
Great to see some new faces as well as some familiar ones - Happy Birthday to the free and open version of our game.
Awesome work No_Tomorrow - another fun virtual event attended tonight.

This may well be the way ahead for months to come, so it was great to test the technology again. Soooo many attendees - well done everyone ! Fun reminiscing about 20 years of Geocaching (in my case 14 years).

Thanks for hosting this virtual event. It was great to have so many folks from all over Australia attending. Had to duck out early to have dinner, but I hope you all shared virtual cake and blew out candles
Thank you everyone for coming along to the party. It was great to put faces to names and meet new people. I loved hearing your Geocaching Australia highlights also. Love this game.

Again, thanks. DancingClappingClan Griffin
Fantastic Event - a great use of technology! So grateful in times like this when other geocaching sites effectively shut down we can still participate in the game we love. Happy Birthday GCA! A lot of fun times and good memories - and a lot more to come! Thanks No_Tomorrow for hosting this event. Loved hearing from everyone! Nice to see Eromsil Gnome again too.
Only heard about this at the last moment! (It wasn't listed in my Geocaching Australia daily email summary)…
But it was great to attend! - Really enjoyed it! Thanks for hosting No_Tomorrow!
My third zoom event for the day, and actually with some other virtual events that were just take a photo that is 5 states caching, Tas, ACT, NSW, Qld and now NT. Not too bad all from my back room without having to move much! Great chat with a lot of people, some of who I know from around the place and some new people as well. Thanks No_Tomorrow it was a lot of fun. Maybe these should become a more regular occurrence especially while having real local events is a bit restricted.
We were a late arrival, joined as lynniemb18@gmail. We have now updated the app with our geocaching name, FurfacesLL. Great chat, and lots of memories shared with the 17 years of GA. Thanks for hosting NO_TOMORROW Cool
Well that went well! Glad to share Bao Bao, winner of the 2011/12 Frog Race with you all, She is GA4082 if you want to log a discover on her. RibbitRibbitClan Phoenix

Thanks NT! Great Idea.
Thanks for organising No Tomorrow! At one stage I saw up to 34 people in the "event" chat! How awesome!
Will have to hold more of these in the future, interesting idea Very Happy
Thanks for the Great event.
Great to so many new faces from around Australia.
What a great event. Huge turn out 33 at the max but others came after some left. This is a great way to meet people from all over Australia and Norfolk Island as well. Thanks for organising this No Tomorrow.

Great event No Tomorrow and a great turn out from all parts of Aussie. ClappingClappingClappingClapping
My first online event and it was great to meet the others, thanks for putting it on.
My First virtual GCA event. A great way to catch up in these days, and learn more about GCA. TFTC.
Our second adventure with Zoom today. Getting the hang of it.

Thanks for this virtual event No_Tomorrow. It was good to chat with all those at the event. Very HappyVery Happy
Thanks for hosting.

I joined the fun with fitzy_1965 from our lounge room in Goulburn.

Great to put faces to names.
Watawieh from Norfolk Island.
It was great to be able to attend a geocaching event while stuck in mandatory 14-day self isolation.
It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces. Thanks to No Tomorrow for hosting this event.
My 3rd ZOOM Conference in two nights. Learning all the time. Should say my 3rd in total. Many thanks Linda for organising this event. 33 participants when I las looked. That ios a very good number.
TFTV Clan MinotaurVery HappyClappingDancingClan Minotaur
Great event - loved the discussion and getting to know cachers from across Australia.Thanks for hosting Smile
Joined in on the Zoom Virtual event to see alot of webcams. Thanks for hosting No_Tomorrow
Another great event this evening. It was amazing to see so many people at the event. Thanks for organising No_Tomorrow. ClappingClappingClapping
Thanks for the event No Tomorrow. I was here with Throsbyonchurch for a little time.
Thanks for the event No Tomorrow. This is another busy meeting. Awesome to meet more new caching faces. Thanks for the event No Tomorrow. Was here with Little Panther - hopefully you happened to see her in the early part of the event. This was a cool meet up hearing about gnomes and highlights. I like the comment from 2ysTassies about GA giving you an opportunity to try a range of technologies and other wonderful ideas. That is certainly a real bonus.
Late will attend - am logging on now!
Downloading the app now, hope to be there Smile
Waiting to catch up
Hope to make it but do we need a password?
Remember this is a chat, not me talking at you. However I will moderate it with prompts and making sure we don't all talk at once.

I really need your help with the following, because I really don't know much and we all love to learn from others experience...

A couple of things I would like to discuss are:
- Geocaching Australia highlights over the last 17 years;
- Geocaching International (.com or whatever you call it) highlights over the last 20 years; and
- Your own best geocaching highlight over the time you have been geocaching

If you could think about these three items and come prepared to share your thoughts, that would be awesome.

See you all there Very HappyClan Griffin
Will try to be there on line
I'll call by all going well.
plan to be there! attending the Canberra one prior too Smile
hoping to be there .. um here
Happy to attend this Zoom event. I am hosting one at 5pm (Canberra time) GA14474 so will be great to continue on to join up for another chat session. Thanks for hosting Smile
Will log in if you can pm the details thanks!!
Looking forward to meet everyone.
Watwieh from Norfolk Island. I look forward to joining in tomorrow
I’ll be there Very Happy
will try and remember...
No Tomorrow is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Happy B'day GCA
Time: Mar 28, 2020 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 600 555 632
I will be switching to using Zoom for the meeting as opposed to Hangouts. Zoom is working much better than Hangouts at the moment. I apologise to all who have downloaded Hangouts and taken the time to figure out how it all works.

link: zoom.us

Zoom is free to use. You can download and log into the "Zoom Cloud Meetings" app on your phone or just log in on your computer. You will need to create an account and follow the link I send you. You may be prompted to install, or open, or allow a couple of things which appear all safe and are necessary. It is quite easy. The event will only run for 30 - 40 minutes. You can enter the meeting before starting time.

I hope it all runs smoothly for you.
If I can remember to be there, I'll be on. Time is passing at a different speed these days. Clan Cerberus
I think that is number 3 Very Happy Many events this day... this is the most remote Wink
Only found out about this tonight. will log in if I remember. WIll put it in my calendar so I should.
G'day from South Australia. I'm going to see if I can work this out and 'attend' so that maybe we can use this more frequently with non-GA cachers here is S.A. to try to stop people going stir-crazy because they can't get out and find boxes under bushes. Smile
As long as geono. and technology are compatible Confused we plan to attend. Headphones..... do we even have headphones... ?? Think
I have no idea about what to do but will give it a good shot

Willing to attempt this if I don't forget.
Looks like I'll be home with not a lot to do so this could be a goer for me
Hope to attend. We are away from our home base so not sure that the technology will work with our very basic tablet. But we are prepared to give it a go.
This will be a first for me and looking forward to it. Do not know how it works but one has to have a first for most things. Clan Minotaur
This sounds like fun, if I can get hangouts to work on the day Smile
I'll be logging in! Looking forward to some GCA talk!
I'll be there, here, whatever.
Here ye! Here ye! Here be an event for all the world to attend. Well, all Geocaching Australia folk around the world anyway.