Agincourt Bore Copeville, South Australia, Australia
By Crane2 on 12-Apr-08. Waypoint GC1B4QE

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Bit of a working bee today but enough cover to hide behind. Interesting little oasis, TFTC crane2.
I would have never expected to see a school out here but sad to see it closed only a few years ago and is starting to become over grown. Cache took some digging to find after but being found for some time but it is still in good condition

Today Courtneyrose_ and I headed home after spending g a night away in the Riverland, we found a few caches around the area before making a detour through the Murray lands and yo through the Adelaide Hills, a good few finds

Thanks for the cache
This morning we took off by ourselves, we completed the Fishytales and the final 45 On Your Bikes that we were yet to find. It felt good to have thisone ticked off the list now we can more of to something else. Thank you for all the work that has gone into creating this massing piece of art work. SL TFTC
Found during a caching trip from home in the Adelaide Hills, to Burra, Terowie, and staying for two nights at Broken Hill, then down to Menindee Lakes, back to Broken Hill and down the western side of the Darling River to Wentworth for the third night, across to Renmark for the fourth night and then home via Karoonda in the SA mallee Murraylands. Thanks for the cache crane2!
Out with my geosister H423L and geodog Tonka with a plan of attack of 44 caches including multis
Manage 40 with only one DFN
Some great areas we came across
Back to this one after last year a DNF but found this time
Found today with no school traffic to be seen. TFTC
Now in Loxton sitting tight to ride out Covid-19 today we headed out to get some exercise. Self Isolation was fine as we didnt see a soul all day!

I wasn't sure what the place over the fence was,
but there was only one car parked outside,
and the coast was clear Razz

A few minutes of pokin' about,
and the cache was found Smile
TFTC in this surprising place Big Grin
Out for a short but busy holiday with sir_spectre. Today was our last day and we needed to travel home in time to be ready for work the next day. So another early start to see how many we could find while wandering home.
Thanks to crane2 from mogni Big Grin
Day 4 Monash B and B to Adelaide

Found with mogni. Slowly heading in the direction of home. Now we have hit the wandering heroes trail. Here we targeted the caches that were off the highway and on the back roads. quick find.

Myself and mogni came up to the river land to go to MacCabe Corner and find the virtual there plus drive the mail trail in murray sunset national park plus the 4 x 4 track in cooltong national park. The original idea was to go through to mildura but with weather 37, 45 , 37 degrees fore cast we changed plans and stayed in monash instead. Any caches that where found damaged where replaced and any logbooks found full or with 2 or 3 spaces left where replaced.
A day of many, many geocaches! The target series was SAGEO_5's *On Your Bike* Wherigo power trail series, and it was an early morning start meeting at Loxton with a group of keen Geocachers. Once that trail was completed, The_Tardis_Trio and I then did the Fishy Tales Wandering Heroes series, and it was pleasing that both series geocaches were all found with generally good coordinates. It was then a return trip home via some of the back roads via Pyap West and Caliph, to then be back on the main Karoonda Highway. A few miscellaneous Wandering Heroes caches and some of the Lost Wandering Heroes waypoints completed the day. It wasn't planned to be a day for a big finds number, but The_Tardis_Trio was keen on finding more than 150 for a Victorian challenge, so with the 100 and 35 caches from the two initial power trails, it became easy to achieve the target. A perfect day to be outside weatherwise, with many stumpy lizards found sunbaking on the roads and in the scrublands, with only one large brown snake seen slithering across a road.

Driving the back roads, this cache was found in a patch of out of the way geocaches. With previous easy finds reported, I suspect this one has disappeared, and like others have said, the nearby school has probably had a part to play with this? A CO check may be in order. Cheers Crane2.
Couldn’t find this one anywhere
Next to a school may have been muggled
Had a romantic day together caching with Purrfect Di Razz
Found a few more of the WH series, and some others nearby.
Yours was one of them!
Never knew such a big school lived out here!
TFTC crane2

Heading towards Berri and a slight detour found our way towards an educational facility.
Finding the cache, we soon heard a car driving into the entrance.
Looking at my phone I realised it was 2.30pm, probably a good time to leave before school finishes for the day.
Thanks for the cache Crane2
Heading to Berri with clare007 for the weekend for a couple of caching events & caching adventures...
I was very surprised to see a school way out here in the middle of now where...
The cache was found quickly with nobody around...
TFTC crane2
Found the cache found it with my Grandma.
After completing the ROTF trail we decided to clean up all the new Wandering heroes that have been published and a few of the surrounding caches since we were last out here, A nice quick find on this one. TFTC
Today we travelled from Karoonda to Alawoona and surrounds using Geocaching as a guide and picking up a few caches on the way with Roostaman and this was one of them. An easy find at GZ.

Thanks for placing and maintaining this cache for our enjoyment.

**# 19735** Found on the SA leg of our 2017 escape trip. Wink
A cloudy Spring day for a drive to Allawoonah with Tassie Trekkers.
Not many muggles around here today, and mostly good quick finds. Wink
Thanks for the cache crane2,
Took the long way in and the short way out. Glad it was Saturday. TFTC crane2.
with a weekend off a few cache we did find
thank you crane2 for placing the cache
Today we cached between Sandalwood and Mindarie and in the surrounding area.

We expected to find evidence of a bore. What a surprise we got.
This is certainly an oasis and a highlight of the day for Mrs Gizmo.

Quick find. Container and contents in good condition.

Thanks for bringing us here crane2
Quick and easy find.
Found while riding to the top of the 'Border Track'.
Container is broken, and needs to be replaced.
family day out had a lovely day driving around found cache all good TFTC Smile
Mr M-SEZ spent the day caching with SneakySqueaky. We left town before sunrise and headed for the Karoonda Highway to take care of some Wandering Heroes caches and beyond. We had a great run. By lunchtime we had cleaned up all of the WH caches team I left behind on previous trips.

After that we spent some time exploring the dirt roads off the highway finding some of the more isolated caches before heading back to the Sturt Highway via Loxton and Moorook. All told we added 81 caches to our tally.

Thanks again to CP Wanderer for starting the wonderful WH series, and thanks to all of the cache creators for adding your creations to this series and the surrounding area.
"Sneaky Squeaky™" Spent the day caching with M-Sez. We left Adelaide before the sun was up and headed for the Wandering Heroes Series. We had a Fantastic run. By Midday we had Managed to get most of the WH caches teams that I had not got before onmy previous trips.

After that M-Sez Decided to go off the radar exploring the dirt roads finding some of the more isolated caches. All told we added 81 caches to our tally.

Thanks again to CP Wanderer for starting the wonderful WH series, and thanks to all of the cache creators for adding your creations to this series and the surrounding area............

From Me To You From SQ72 T.F.T.C
Found It!
By the cache name I was expecting to find a hole in the ground and the remains of an old tank. But instead, I find well, that facility at GZ! I certainly wasn't expecting that! The remains of an old one would make sense but a decent sized one that's still I use I didn't expect! How well is it going I wonder...
Suscoe's 45th find of the day as we travelled the last part of the W H trail in the great company of Phetlern.
This was our 4th trip to complete this series and by the end of the day we had finished all of the trail as well as a number of nearby caches.
A terrific day all up travelling in beaut country with good company.
Harvest was in full swing and the paddocks were that lovely straw color.
Thanks to crane2 for this cache.
We were out and about with Suscoe tracking down the heroes on the northern section of the highway. Along the way we took a few detours and located caches like this, which gave us some local knowledge, as well as a smilie.

Thanks to crane2 for the hunt.

TFTC haven't been out this way before, it was nice to take a different route home and see the country side while hunting for caches along the way Smile very quiet on a Sunday.
Found a cache bit no bore. Not sure what the name is unless it was the school name. TFTC crane2

Found as part of the record run to SA by The Demolition Crew (TDC). While, I am not a member of the TDC, I was fortunate enough to be caching with Blacklegend, Quasar3671, Trailrunning and Rebel Acts on what was for me, a huge adventure.

As I live with Blacklegend, it was fantastic when he said "Do you want to come to South Australia on a huge caching trip". I jumped at the chance, as I'd never been to S.A. or Adelaide, and it was a fantastic feeling to know I was going to be part of something big, and I was.

To be part of the Australian 24 hour record, at such an early stage in my caching career, so to speak, and part of so many other finds, was experience building beyond anything I could have hoped for.


Monday was a much quieter day, but it had been planned this way, from what the guys were saying, to allow rest time for the big run on Tuesday. We cached out towards Loxton, finding around 40 for the day. These were caches that were not planned as part of the record run. It was still a fun day, and we visited many out of the way places and drove many, many kilometers. We finished early and got some rest.....


Due to the extremely high number of finds for the trip, and on Blacklegend's advice and with his assistance, I have also gone with the generic logs. As the others have stated, it in no way takes away from the fantastic and enjoyable hides we found on the trip. As Blacklegend and the other have said, my sincere thanks to all cache owners who placed and maintain their caches, and made this trip possible for our group. TFTC, memories and the experience.

This cache was found during The Demolition Crew with Ponty95 24 hour and 1000 caches in 48 hours record breaking challenge caching run in South Australia.

I've been on quite a few caching road trips during my time as a cacher and this one was one of the best. The idea was to see how many caches we could find in 24 hours, with the goals being to break the Australian 24 hour caching record, and then continue on the next day to see if we could eventually find a total of 1000 caches or more in the 48 hours. Needless to say we did manage to fulfill both goals.

Not only does SA have some lovely contryside and Adelaide itself is famous for its churches, SA is also known for its numerous, extensive and well laid out cache 'powertrails'. The OZ Mega, OZ Signal and the Wandering Heros series of caches in particular are the largest and just a few of the many that can be tackled. With this is mind, TDC started planning the 24 hour challenge caching run back in late 2012, and over a period of many, many months we laid out careful plans on how we were going to break the Australian 24 hour caching record, as well as find as many caches as possible while on the road.

The intricate attention to detail proved to be esssential to us completing our goals. With routes planned, essential supplies loaded (especially museli bars, water and energy drinks) and every cache detail documented, we headed off on the 6th to begin our journey. By the end we had accomplished what we had set out to do, smashing the 24 hour record and finding over 1000 caches in the 48 hours. We had an absolute ball and needless to say were knackered by the end but the final result was worth every hours lack of sleep.

Apart from finding many 'stand alone' caches we did manage to complete the OZ Mega, Oz Signal, Wandering Heros, TDF, APM and PSA series, the 40, 50 and 60 series of caches as well as a number of Adelaide puzzle caches and a few Melbourne - Adelaide multi caches.

Due to the number of cache finds and the resulting number of logs to write, I am reluctantly using a generic log to log each cache. The same goes for my fellow TDC cachers and Ponty95, full appreciation goes out to each of the CO's who placed caches that we found, and without your caches our fantastic caching experience would not have come to fruition.

Thanks, Quasar3671.
Found as part of the Demolition Crew record run to South Australia with fellow TDC members Quasar3671, Trailrunning, Rebel Acts and a guest on the trip, Poynts95.

The trip was a fair while in the making, and many aspects had to align to make it happen, including all of us getting the time to go. However, the "stars aligned" so to speak for us, and the trip was on. A date was set and much planning engaged, and when I say much, I mean a very large amount. We had an old saying where I used to work, and that was "Failing to be prepared, is being prepared to fail", so, we prepared, and prepared and prepared.

With a challenge set, being, could The Demolition Crew find over 500 caches in 24 hours, we headed forth to South Australia, the magical land of power trails, and over the duration of the trip, found in excess of 1250 caches, and indeed, easily beat the goal on our record day. Importantly too, we had a great time together.


Monday we chose as a quieter day, with an early finish to allow us some time to sleep before Tuesdays record run. We headed northish, and out to Loxton, to put some finds on caches which were not to be part of our planned Tuesday run. Got to see some nice parts of the area, and some caches in some out of the way places, which was fantastic.


Due to the extremely high number of finds for the trip, I am opting for a generic log, which I never normally do, but as the others have stated, it in no way detracts from the high quality of hides we found on the trip. My sincere thanks to all cache owners who placed and maintain their caches, and made this trip possible for our group. You have all been part of the best caching road trip we have yet made. TFTC and the memories.

When the Wandering Series was first published it had been on the agenda of The Demolition Crew, however we were not able to arrange a time when all of us could go over. Fortuitously as time went by, more trails were published. Upon looking more closely at South Australia recently, there were many more power trails than we realised, and a plan was hatched to go over and grab as many caches as we could. We were all finally able to arrange a mutual time during the Easter school holidays, so the planning stages began.

Given the limited amount of time available to us, and so many caches to grab, we realised that a huge effort was going to be needed to grab them all. Rebel Acts being known for his record breaking 24 hour runs suggested that we try a 24 hour run of our own. Now there was a thought, a challenge in fact we readily accepted. A bit more planning (a lot more actually) and a route was chosen and run sheets drawn up.

With all the puzzles solved, and most of the multi's these caches were reduced to traditionals for the run day. With cars packed, stamps made, and spirits high we made our way to South Australia to find some plastic.

Monday was a day of rest, well as much as a rest as we could afford with caches to be found in Loxton and other areas not planned for tomorrow's run. We knocked off in the early afternoon to grab some rest before the midnight run began on the Tuesday.

While I am using a generic log, it does not detract my appreciation of all the CO's who have put the time into placing and maintaining these caches. To each and every one of you, I thank you for being part of what has been the best cache road trip yet. Thank you!

The cache was found as part of A massive cache run to South Australia with TDC Members Trailrunning, Quasar3671 and Blacklegend and a ring in Ponty95. It had taken us time to get this all together, finally a date was set and planning was started, I learnt one thing from my late mate dak's Emu Mob AKA Dave Kruger "Proper Planning prevents piss Poor Performance" he always said. Trailrunning was our master planner on this trip. I did this as part of a team but I also did it as a tribute to dak. having set the Australian Record twice before the question was, does the Rebel still have what it takes, I think the answer for that was yes. The challenge had been set down on FB "could the TDC find over 500 in a day, well we took up the challenge and headed to the power trail capital of Australia.
Monday was a day of rest, well as much as a rest as we could afford with caches to be found in Loxton and other areas not planned for tomorrow's run. We knocked off in the early afternoon to grab some rest before the midnight run began on the Tuesday.
While I am using a generic log, it does not detract my appreciation of all the CO's who have put the time into placing and maintaining these caches. To each and every one of you, I thank you for being part of what has been the best cache road trip yet. Thank you!

No distractions nearby for students and none there in January. Surprising central location indeed.
Was already near by so headed out here to get this one as well. See someone at school during the Holidays I guess it was cleaners or something.

Holiday Monday and on the way home from the Loxton show. Took time to find a few caches along the way. This cache bought back many memories as I went to school here when it was first opened.
Husband was working in the area. Grabbed the cache while waiting. TFTC.
An easy find - approaching dusk.
All was quiet here at night, but unfortunateky that meant we didn't get to fully appreciate the area. Seems to be a nice spot though.

TNLN - Thanks crane2!
Wow. I did not know this was here. The joy of caching.
A easy find in a beautiful oasis thanks crane2, took smiley face and left a marble
A side step from the Heroes. All quiet today. A stack of branches on what I thought was the bore. Took a koala and left a golf ball. Thanks crane2.
Found it safe and sound.

Found it, whoopee for us! Nice hide in a lovely part of a desolate area.TFTC
I completed a chunk of the Heroes trail way back in 2017, in the company of TK2.It was a great (looooonnnnggggg ) day. In those days, logs were always completed individually. To my shame, I enjoyed the caching but tired of the logging. I am now reviewing my notes and catching upThis was an appreciated bonus cache - what a pleasant spot in the middle of Aussie Summer....Thx margot
What a true oasis this is, fantastic to see that some of that education money is being spent wisely and the grounds look fantastic as well,tftc
A great and best caching day with 100 finds Big Grin, on our way to finish off some of Wandering Heroes series...easy find. Thanks crane2.
Quick find...amazed to find a sealed road all the way to this one!!! Tftc
Drove straight past and had to come back to park and find [B)].
Definitely an oasis and all was quiet on this Saturday [8)].
Thanks Crane2.
Found on a caching trip to the River-land, TFTC TNLN SL
Another find on a tour through the mallee. This place was a surprise, will it go the way of all the other schools that I've visited this weekend? All quiet on the muggle front today.
Found it all quite today. amazing to find a school so isolated. thx crane2 for the cache.
Easy find TNLN TFTC
All quiet today except for a few lizards near GZ TNLN TFTC
Found in the company of Mooshell. TFTC.
A quick find. Working my way to the last Country Jewels. TFTC. TNLN. SL.
[8)] Easy find, very quiet here today,
#75 find for us.
Another cache find on our quest to find all the jewels. This was on our way to emerald. Thanks Crane2
School was in today so I exercised some stealth and made a quick find, sign and replace.

Found cache after having to retrace steps. We know area very well and Argincourt bore is actually found approx 1km north on top of the hill, next time will take more notice of GPS, even if it was playing up
For us this was also a truly amazing place as in Victoria at this time of the year if you see this much green it is normally painted on a wall. It just shows what a bit of water can do for the countryside
Thanks Crane2 for the cache
Found with Polkys Quest
easy find on our caching adventure to mt gambier!! TNLN TFTC
TEAM "A" at 10-25 am

Easily found after a very carefull look for a rather large spider that was reported in the last cache, am pleased to say no suprises today.


Grabbed this one on the way up to the Riverland Rendezvous #2. Found the cache OK but it also had a guard (see picture). TFTC.

Day 265 of non-stop caching. Big Grin
temporarily disabled for some maintenance and possible container move/change.
** Coordinates Changed From **
S 34° 44.394 E 140° 08.171
Distance From Old: 177.8 feet
Cache container has been replaced with a clip lock container, which will hopefully be more water tight than the previous one. The cache has also been moved in order to make finders less conspicuous at this educational location.
Back in play!
Original logbook has been retained to reflect the history of visits as it was quite dry. However the damp stash note, swaps etc have been replaced.
You got to love school holidays. No worries hanging around this cache today! Mind you the cache was a little damp.
Everyone was in class so an easy find.
Cheers from the Posspet Boys
This one is a bit damp today and smelly. L shoe tag and took bug. This had use looking for an old bore site so we were very surprised to find it where it was. In the end it made sense. Always helps to look a the cache notes and the map. TFTC
Cache find #11 of 46 in our Mallee Odyssey!

A quick stop, found by geokid#2, was very exposed so hid a little better!
Even though I am a young, white female, I still felt a little dodgy around here. Of course, when you are trying to be quick, you never are! The GPSr was all over the place but we came up with the goods eventually.

Thanks crane2 Big Grin.
The GPSr was being only as useful as a paperweight for this cache. Had some hard eyes watching from the school.

It's not every day you get to see a Chinese garden with full on running fountain out here. I hope this was not built by slave labour Big Grin

Clear skies and our thanx to Crane2 from TeamAstro.
hoping to get the two out here on the 'back of Loxton' run but it looks as though there is a function at the Oval.... anyway found this one easily.... TNLNSL cheers 4 da cache crane2 Smile
Nice place and a nice day to be here. TNLNSL. Cheers and thanks.
This would be a difficult grab during the week, but on a Sunday it was a totally different story. The cache had water in it, which we drained out and dried as best we could. The plastic bag has kept the contents dry, but a better-sealing container wouldn’t go astray.
As an aside, when I got home I discovered that this one was our 1900th find Big Grin, so thanks for the cache, Crane2.
Find# 189 @ 11:38
Took: Nothing / Left: Nothing
Third to find for Jardry. This is a little oasis in the Mallee. Thankfully no muggles around on a Sunday.5 of 8 finds for today. As this is the home ground of the East Murray FC I placed a cache nearby as part of my series of caches for Riverland football club ovals. TFTC Crane2.
Well the listing did give a clue as to what I was heading for
That must be the quickest entry I have made in a log. I know I did the logo but not sure if I took the time to write anything else . Ran away as quck as I could.
Hooray FTF for me... Lucky I stayed at Karoonda farm for few nights before return back to Adelaide. Nice big school... Took: Crane2 pathtag and left: TBG First To Find Geocoin. Thanks Crane2 for organising the cache and hunt.
Just visiting some coins.