Gallery of log for Lambie Old

A trains and trigs and return from Tarana run with rogerw3 ...

Lambie Old and Lambie have been on the 'mushroom agenda for an age - a previous visit halted before the gate. An oft passed, with regret, side road there was no hesitation for a revisit, though the road was heavily rutted after recent rains.

With the error of my ways - the gate is chained, not locked - pointed out by rogerw3, it then made for the walk up the good track towards the towers and the trig tucked back towards the treeline. In good condition in a clearly marked surround Lambie Old is within metres of Lambie, though oddly, not within the rockpile. Great views in all directions and would have been impressive without the comms towers aclutter. Smile

Rated: for Overall Experience.