Gallery of log for GeoSportZ 2016 D & C Burnett Conservation Area

Left my daughters house at seventeen mile rocks at 0530 and arrived about 0615 and 32 K later. Quick grab here. I wanted to get only one GCA hide in here but I was walking past 2 gc and 2 other gca hides so I got them as well. I had to be back in 17MR's by 9am at the latest and everything went to plan. Saw one woman with a white dog a man with a black dog and on my return walk saw a male runner and just as I was back near the fence and car I talked to a lady on a horse with a red dog. Managed to get up on top and then a long stretch had the container in hand. TFTC Sambuccasam Clan MinotaurVery HappyClappingDancingClan Minotaur