Gallery of log for Obelisk

#GA2425 - 14:40; Day five, the last day of the summer sojourn in the Blue Mountains with the geohoney. After an enjoyable few days based in Leura, the time had come to pack up and head for home. It was also time to do one last quick caching run around the area while the other half finished getting ready for the trip. After collecting some caches in Leura and doing a sweep through Wentworth Falls, we were now packed up and headed for home the back way through Bathurst, Orange and Canowindra with a view to adding a few caches as well as a few dragonZones to the tally. After reaching Bathurst we headed off to have a look at the Mount Panorama circuit, stopping for some trigs along the way as well as at the top of the mountain Dancing Grabbed a few more finds on our way through the town, then hit the highway heading for Orange. Backtracked a bit to pick up this trig, but happy that I got the shot. TFTT Geocaching Australia Very HappyClan Cerberus
Rated: for Overall Experience.