Gallery of log for Toowoomba Traditional
#GA3577 - 10:35; Day 4 of a long planned mission to South East Queensland with Sol de lune and after a couple of days in and around Nanango and the wider South Burnett area, it was time to head back towards Brisbane, then home later on Tuesday. Grabbed the CORS on the way into town, followed by a couple of virtuals, and now collecting a few more. This one provided some more interesting scenery on the way to GZ, as well as some exercise to get the blood pumping. Did the touristy thing and grabbed some snaps on the way in and again from the summit looking east across the valley. The cache was easily located and all in good order despite the lack of visitors. Thanks for the effort in getting this one placed to draw cachers out to this fabulous spot. Hope more of them make the effort to get out here. TFTC MalDawg
Rated: for Overall Experience.