Logs for JCM333000 

I have no idea! Looked everywhere but will obviously need to go back. New to the hunt but completely addicted. We looked both sides of the brook but will need sharper eyes. Hmmm ... 
Searched all potential GZ's but think it's been muggled. The area where it should be was all dug up so may need to be replaced. 
Found on bike and went for a lap of honour on finding the well hidden cache! After flicking the huntsman off the cache, we recorded the timed lap ... looking for anyone quicker [8)] Took a while to find but still new to this. TFTF 
Will need to revisit as could not find this anywhere! Upturned everything and revisited the clues, yet still left cacheless! 
In all the years we've lived in the area, I had never been to this place! Great views! Not the first to find this cache today. TFTC! JCM 
This was our first cache ever! Great fun as it was local for us. We have often gone past this spot without realising what treasures lay meters from us. TNLNSL TFTC Big Grin