Logs for Licorice 
Too many no finds on this one and I am not able to maintain it anymore. It was around for 19 years!
A request for the next geocacher looking for this one -- could you please bring along a new notebook (something small, maybe 6x8cm) to replace the existing one. Many thanks!!! Licorice
A request for the next seeker of this cache -- both the container and log book need to be replaced, so I would greatly appreciate if a cache seeker would consider replacing both. Thanks!!
The original cache container is now 6 years old and as logs below note there has been some chewing on the bottom of the container. If anyone would like to replace the cache container then that would be greatly appreciated. The original was a 900mL Nalgene bottle, so something around a similar size or up to 2L would work well in this location. Many thanks!
A request for the next cache seeker... the log book is now full, so if you are planning to visit this cache then it would be *greatly* appreciated if you could bring along a new log book to replace the existing one. Many thanks in advance!!
A request for the next geocacher to visit this cache...
Could I ask that someone bring along a new logbook to replace the existing and full one? Many thanks in advance!!
Could I ask that someone bring along a new logbook to replace the existing and full one? Many thanks in advance!!
Too many no finds, so the cache has now been archived... unless someone in the future would like to re-hide one at this location?
Many thanks to Snuva whom located the cache in the original (but disturbed) location. The cache has now been moved and re-hidden and the new coordinates have been posted. Thanks for the find and relocation!
[More hints so hopefully someone finds it. I will be checking in on this cache next month, but there is no reason why it shouldn't be there]. Gur fcbvyre cvpgher fubjf gur pnpur ybpngvba arkg gb gur gerr. Lbh jvyy unir gb oehfu bss fbzr onex gb rkcbfr gur pnpur. Va gur cvpgher gur npprff ebnq pna or frra ba obgu gur evtug naq yrsg fvqrf, unysjnl hc gur cvpgher (terl teniry).
User's web page
[Oh no, a couple of no finds. I'm quite sure that this cache would not be found accidentally, so for the next seekers I give detailed spoiler hints as follows:] Sbyybj gur teniry npprff ebnq njnl sebz gur Nvejnyx ragenapr. Abg gbb znal crbcyr jnyx guvf ebnq, fb abg gb jbeel nobhg crbcyr frrvat lbh uhagvat sbe pnpurf. Nf lbh jnyx njnl sebz gur Nvejnyx ragenapr nybat gur ebnq, ybbx ba gur yrsg fvqr bs gur ebnq sbe n ynetr ebggvat gerr gehax nobhg 6-7 z bss gur npprff ebnq. Bapr lbh unir sbhaq gur gerr, yrnir gur ebnq naq tb oruvaq gur gerr (fb lbh pna'g frr gur ebnq) naq abgr gur zhypu va n frpgvba bs gur gehax nobhg 40pz nobir tebhaq yriry. Gur pnpur vf ohevrq nobhg 3-5pz orybj gur zhypu arne gur onfr bs ebggvat gehax cbegvba. Ybbx sbe n juvgr gbccrq pnpur pbagnvare. TCF fvtanyf va guvf nern ner abg jbaqreshy, fb gur cbfvgvba znl inel ol n srj zrgerf orgjrra TCF havgf. [Happy hunting, and good luck!!]
Finally got around to logging this one! Cache removed from Newport with note left on rock at base of tree. Cache relocated in Oxford, England. Thanks for the hunt!