Logs for Lil Bluey 

Grateful for a break in the long drive from Granny & Granddad's house back home to Canberra - got to visit the Dog on the Tuckerbox, and race around the racks of clothes at the Drizabone store nearby chasing my sister Smile 
Helped Mummy and Daddy clean up around our tent, and down at the stage after all the dancing last night. 
My first mega event, along with Mummy & Daddy (Slider & Smurf). Loved the campground, lots of dust to play in and room for me to go tearing off on my red bike when no-one was watching! Had a great time helping to find the pictures in the main street for the Community Chess game too. 
My first cache!! Mum & Dad and my sister Glowbug did the formalities. A nice break on our way down to Canberra from Tamworth. We took the dragon geocoin and will leave it in a cache once we're settled. Thanks Bronze!!