Logs for RickyLuxury 

Unfortunately the log is very damp and needs maintenance. 
Ricky Luxury strikes again! This time Ricky Luxury's young but hapless protege, The Storm Man, attempted to distract The Rick to claim the credit for himself. However, being a kind and humble mentor, The Rickster allowed him to make the find, after guiding him to the right location. He has much to learn but is showing some signs of improvement. 
Ricky Luxury strikes again!! Guided my young protege 'Storm Man' to the correct location. Another easy find for the Rickster. 
Ricky Luxury strikes again! Guided my hapless but well meaning protege 'Storm Man' to the correct location. The Rick also made sure to protect him from some dangerous looking rabbits in the area. 
The Rick thought this location was a little sketchy, so sent his young apprentice, Storm man, to do most of the work for him. Great swap as well, the hippo will add something to Ricky Luxury's luxury abode. 
Ricky Luxury loved this particular geocache, best of his day. He did indeed find this one, but thought it best for Storm man to do the deed and plunge his hand into the necessary location. Great cache, and great experience for my young, if somewhat incompetent apprentice. 
This one really 'bugged' the Rick. However, he soon spotted it, but gave moral support to his young apprentice, the Storm Man, and encouraged him to make the find. 
The Rick thought this one was particularly obvious, I mean how could you not spot it? It was a patient wait for the Storm Man to catch up, but an hour later he got there. Ricky Luxury strikes again. 
Again Storm man, it was the Rick who found this one upon leaving. Was a bit tricky, but nothing Ricky Luxury couldn't handle. 
Great cache. True, Storm man did find it first, but it was Ricky Luxury who tied the ribbon back up. Ricky Luxury, he always cares. 
Ricky Luxury made his debut with this one. Pretty straightforward so far. 
Ricky Luxury did not want to put his hand in that place, but fortunately the Rick got the Storm man to do his bidding for him. Fun cache. 
This one was too much for Ricky Luxury to handle. Next time Star Jasmine, next time. 
Sorry to correct you there Storm man, but it was the Rick who actually pulled it out of the tree. Ricky Luxury strikes again.