Logs for bob26 

God's House Tower, Southampton, UK. Built in the 15th century, and became a jail in the 18th century. These days it's a museum. More info here: http://www.southampton.gov.uk/leisure/museums-and-galleries/gods-house-tower-museum-of-archaeology/history-of-gods-house-tower.asp#0 Cache GCPG0E is also nearby Smile

[This entry was edited by bob26 on Monday, December 05, 2005 at 8:58:27 AM.] 
Hoglands Park, Southampton, UK. Hardly the nicest part of the city centre, not that there is a nice part. Not so much a skate park as a set of ramps inside a larger park. At the first attempt I got here at the same time as a bunch of yobs, sorry, youths, who probably should have been at school. Came back later just as they left [^] Note the nice graffiti on the side of the ramps... (one bit actually looked like Arturo from the Powerpuff Girls, except he was blue instead of green) 
The real location I'm logging here is Lucas Close, in Southampton, UK. This road only has one sign of its own, and it's in front of someone's house. I didn't take a photo of this for obvious reasons.

However, the sign for the road leading to it is much more interesting, so that's what the co-ordinates point to. You've got St Evox (Ewoks) Close, leading to Mossleigh (Mos Eisley) Avenue, and Lucas Close (and some other roads) Big Grin 
Found this in the New Forest, UK. Quite a remote spot away from the main trails.