Logs for notme43 

Found it with a bit of fun 3rd time I had to visit.
interruptions by visitor to the park, somedays Troll there but not today.
He is well looked after, spoke to a chef who delivers him food.
Easily found.., see what you mean about the stickiness from lolly.
In: minature coke bottle and Music tape
Out: Oriental purse + $2 ozzie (kids)

[last edit: 4/29/2003 6:02:40 AM PST] 
Found it with a bit of logical thinking,
but was I pestered council worker, who turned out to be on the council board..told me why they built the structure there.
Then a local who was bored...obviously needs to get into geocaching [:0)]

In: small paint ball
Out: NIL 
Found it: Great fun, Gps watch died so resorted back to orienteering, found first tree pretty quickly used all but one feature.
came back few days later and found 2nd cache.
IN: Marker pen and Heineken.
OUT: pocket knife