Logs for martync 

Our last cache of the year! The island is gorgeous. Found the cache fairly easily - once we read Jfreak's log on the website printout!
Unfortunately cache is quite wet and going mouldy so TNLN.
It really needs a maintenance visit.

Thanks for bringing us to this island - and yes, the burgers are pretty good!!

MartynC & Ruth
Nice area and an easy walk. Left our first Travel bug - Costa the Lion.
Took Lightstick Necklace - left heart badge.
Adam (who's 5) also thought the playground was really good.
Thanks a lot,

MartynC, Ruth (from England);
Adam and Anne, his mum! (from QLD). 
Found on our second attempt after receiving a hint (Thanks Steve!). I think the original co-ords might be a little off.
The cache was spotted on the floor, having been moved by animals??
We have replaced it where we think it should be.

MartynC & Ruth 
Enjoyed our travels around the area. Great cache - Thanks!
Have introduced some locals, Anne & her son Adam to Geocaching.
We've taken Rejected Rat TB with us and left Sheamus TB on duty.
Took notebook and left a 'pig' pin.
Took photo of MartynC, Ruth and Adam with Sheamus TB.

MartynC & Ruth
Berkshire UK.

[This entry was edited by martync on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 11:08:34 AM.] 
Good location for cache, enjoyed looking around the site and solving the clues.
The cache logbook has got wet and it's in need of a maintenance visit.
SteveGriffin beat us to Jeremiah the Bullfrog TB, although we thought he was lost since there's no entry in the cache logbook.
Many thanks for this entertaining cache.

MartynC & Ruth
from Berkshire UK 
2nd failure of the day after 'Conserve Koalas' (very disappointing in this heat).

Found the brook OK, but unable to find any sign of a cache in the dense foliage etc. Terrain would score higher than one in our book, but maybe you just have higher standards in QLD.

We've want to show Geocaching to our family members here, but we are want to start them with a relatively easy one. Any suggestions for a simple cache in this area?

MartynC & Ruth
Berkshire, UK 
We tried to get there but the track away from the boardwalk was extremely wet (probably due to a very high tide) and we didn't bring our waders!

No koalas seen either, probably due to the heat!

MartynC and Ruth
Berkshire UK
Two mad English cachers over here for Christmas. Our first Aussie cache.
Lovely area but boy! Is it Hot!!
No Koalas yet, but plenty of spiders.
Took Shaemus TB, left Mom-Heather TB.

MartynC & Ruth.

PS: we had to practise Cache-In Trash-Out as the location was given away by discarded plastic drink bottles.