Logs for prue91 
I nearly died but it was fun to get out there and bush bash!
its turner time owes me BIG TIME lol.
its turner time owes me BIG TIME lol.
found with: frenchfairy, mcmsa, its turner time!, blackhellebore89
easy find!
easy find!
found it with: its turner time!, frenchfairy, blackhellebore89, mcmsa.
last find for the day.
last find for the day.
found it with: its turner time!, french fairy, blackhellebore89, mcmsa.
first find for the day, easy find.
first find for the day, easy find.
found with: its turner time!, french fairy, blackhellebore89, mcmsa.
easy find,
found with: its turner time!, frenchfairy, mcmsa, blackhallebore89.
found with: its turner time!, frenchfairy, mcmsa, blackhallebore89.
found it with: its turner time!, frenchfairy, blackhellebore89, mcmsa.