Logs for TB-Cito 

This church tower lies in my environment, in Germany. Pc. Martin, is the oldest tower, which was again developed here after wartime without ornamentations and twisting run gene.

On my migration I found today this area, which was in earlier years once a railroad line. Today it any longer not needed and in such a way becomes this an idyll for native organisms. Here in the near future a moving way is established. The tracks are diminished straight.

I found this Frisoer on my round by Ulm, in Germany.
Thanks and greeting TB Cito 
I found this Bells today on a Cachtour on a cemetery with Heilbronn in Germany.
Thanks and greeting from Germany 
The travel after blue stone is beautifully be-says one. On the way to some Caches in this region I found this bus sign here with Ulm, Germany.
and greeting thanks 
Diese Alte Brücke fand ich bei Ulm.
Danke für den Cache und Gruß. 
Was für eine große Freude, beim Anblick dieser rießigen Figur...da kann Weihnachten kommen.Big Grin 
Auf dem Weg zum Cachen, fand ich heute diesen Silo.
Hier gibt es genug davon, nur hat man nicht immer die Kamera dabei. Heute wars dann soweit. Big Grin 
Ich fand diese schöne Holztüre an einer Kirche in Erbach.

Danke und Gruß 
Ich fand diese schöne Wandmalerei auf dem Weg zum Cachen.

Danke und Gruß 
In my city with Reutlingen in Germany I found this beautiful Muehlrad with the building, which is always for Turisten a seen point of suit. Unfortunately it became there already dark, when the photographs developed. But it is a station from a Multicache.
Thanks and greeting 
This beautiful tower stands with us in Deutschland/Reutlingen and as replacement for the "old person castle" was established, which stood once here. From here above one can look the far over country.

Thanks and greeting