Logs for firefox142 
Great cache, nice drive around waikanae, bit of going back and fourth though.
Took Travel Bug left marbles TFTC
Took Travel Bug left marbles TFTC
Nice views of the island, well half of it from where i looked. Great views of the ocean on a nice sunny day, great way to start spring. Great cache thanks TNLN
I found it on the second attempt, the first attempt went horribly wrong as i was looking in the completely wrong place, but thanks to the help of a friend i found it. Great cache and a good location, quite easy now that i think about it TFTC
Good not too hard find, good location to take a break as well
-neo pet pet + roll of white tapeTFTC
-neo pet pet + roll of white tapeTFTC
Well hidden, took a while to find, but just like all caches was worth it TFTC