Logs for 21C  
Here is the Quanset hut I was taught Basic Rifle Marksmanship on the M-16. I think, Back in JULY 1986
My son and I found this one looking for GCF6CE. We are going back to explore further at a later date. I took him with me the last 2 trips out and he's having a ball.
Drove by this one a few times finally stopped. found 3 others today that were all destroyed. this is the ROBY LOOKOUT TOWER in texas County MO. Its on a hill south of ft Leonard Wood MO.
Patton Tank on IOWA AVE on Ft Leonard Wood MO
First saw this tank about 18 JUN 1986 when i was in basic training. Now I'm a Drill Sgt down the street from here. Its sitting on a medium girder bridge a type of bridge I've built many times in the last 19 yrs.
First saw this tank about 18 JUN 1986 when i was in basic training. Now I'm a Drill Sgt down the street from here. Its sitting on a medium girder bridge a type of bridge I've built many times in the last 19 yrs.
I was taking my son fishing and we saw this 3 toed box turtle crossing the road. I remembered this cache so I figured we would log it. we put it in the ditch and watched it run away.