Logs for cje 

Found by Jack with Elliot and me 
Found by me Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
By Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
By Jack and K. 100th find 
By Jack and K 
By Jack and K 
Found by me with. Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
By Jack snd K 
By Jack with K 
Found by Jack and K 
By me with Jack and K 
By me with Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
By Jack with K 
By Jack and K 
By me with Jack and K 
Found by me with Jack a.nd K 
Found by Jack and K 
By Jack and K 
By me with Jack and K 
Found by Jack and J 
Found by Jack and K 
By me Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by Chris with Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by me with Jack qnd K 
Found by Jack with K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found with Jak and K 
Found by Jaxk and K 
Found with Jack and K 
Found witk Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found with Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Found with Jack and K 
Found by Jack and K 
Fpindit it with Jack and K