Logs for Rana 

2nd of the series. TFTC from California 
Spending some time caching before visiting the Royal Exhibition Hall. TFTC from California 
Sorry, I never had heard of this band. TFTC from California 
Coevern and I went straight to it. I attach a photo log as we had no pen with us. TFTC from California 
Fortunately our accommodation is not in the hard place nearby but in the House in the attached photo. TFTC from California 
The coordinates seem to be a bit off however the hint gave it away. The unusual log is full and should be replaced. TFTC from California 
We met the avian cache guardian. TFTC from California 
Coevern and I made a quick grab. Since we had no pen with us he attached a photo log. TFTC from California 
Really nicely camouflaged cache container. TFTC from California 
Many possible hiding spots but we found it in the end. TFTC from California 
We immediately had the right idea where to look but it took some searching anyway. TFTC from California 
Coordinates are a bit off but thanks to a previous cachers’ photo we found the right post. TFTC from California 
I remember the unsightly pylons from my last visit to Melbourne six years ago. TFTC from California 
My first cache for this trip to Australia after arriving today from California. TFTC 
Nice hide and fortunately not too many muggles. TFTC from California 
It’s always nice to be able to find a new virtual cache. TFTC from California 
I really like virtual caches and I am happy at least some new ones have been created. Today I arrived from California and to get used to climate and time zone and went for a stroll through Melbourne. TFTC 
Coordinates are quite off but found the cache in an obvious spot. TFTC from California 
Not so seedy during broad daylight. TFTC from California 
Coevern made the Grab. TFTC from California 
I couldn't find any questions so I just log a find with a photo attached. TFTC from California 
The Wherigo does not seem to work on an iPhone as we got only locations but not questions or coordinates. The CO gave us the final coordinates and that is exactly GZ of the Wherigo. Coevern eventually made the find. TFTC from California 
Easy find with not too many muggles around. TFTC from California 
Easy find in the deserted area just before the rain started. TFTC from California 
What a stupid requirement! Even the bookstore at the posted coordinates could not organize the required book. 
The hint was spot on. I finally found a cache in Wellington to hold the travel bugs I brought from California. TFTC 
Found with Coevern on our trip to Wellington. TFTC from California 
I wouldn't call this a letter box cache. Log is still full. TFTC from California 
Found with Coevern on our trip to Wellington. TFTC 
Should have been easy with the hint 
I really liked the museum. This was my second visit to it after being here before six years ago. TFTC from California 
I never encountered this kind of puzzle before but I really liked it. The hardest part was finding the tiny container. TFTC from California 
This earth cache was close to our hotel so Coevern and I had to get here taking advantage of the nice weather. We were lucky to meet a baby seal dozing nearby. TFTC from California 
Nice camouflage. My friend Coevern found this one very quickly. TFTC from California 
My first cache after arriving from California yesterday. TFTC 
I especially made a detour to find my first cache placed in 2000! TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
I had to wait for the smoking muggles to leave to be able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
This was my favorite cache of the day with the nice camo job. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
I had to wait for the muggle delivery guys to leave but then I was able to retrieve the cache quickly. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
Lots of muggles but I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
Lots of smoking muggles around but I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
I don't like to put my fingers where the cache was but the hint forced me to do so. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
I had tried to find this one two weeks ago but could not get a grab. Today it was simple. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
There was of course no reception but the hint was spot on making it easy to find the cache in an obvious location. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
No muggles around so I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
Lots of fishing muggles around but I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
The coordinates pointed me first to an not very nice and unsuitable area but then I thought of the more obvious place nearby. Lots of muggles waiting for the tram but I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
Lots of muggles but I was able to retrieve the cache unseen. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
Its always nice to find a regular size cache in a city and this one was nicely hidden. I helped some TBs to go along but left the one that is on its way to Japan. TFTC 
On my last day in Australia I had a couple of hours off and used them for some caching in the city center of Melbourne. This was one of 14 caches I found.
I liked the little garden. When I was here two years ago the area was still under construction. TFTC