Logs for ThePirateExplorers 
Aye, the bountiful view be the treasure! Hah! TFTC
What b a pirates favourite letter? Rrrrrrr! Nay! Ye might think it b the Rrr, but it actually b the C! Hah! TFTC
We be a scrounging around looking for plunder and glimpsed this bountiful bay. We walked the land plank and ho! An empty treasure chest there be! HAH! TFTC
All the crew have that song stuck in our heads now. It's gonna be a rough voyage, Hah! TFTC
Tis be a more difficult treasure hunt than expected. Me magic compass sent us further up the hill than it were, N Yer could say it had me crew and me stumped for an age. Eventually we found the scurvy devil, HAH! TFTC
Me crew and me went up the hill without a pail of water. Me crew sat down and fell to the ground, and now we have another notch on our belt. HAH! TFTC
Me ship mate fired the Canon across the way from our land luber batch. Who would have thought we would find treasure while retrieving the Canon ball. HAH! TFTC
The skies grew dark, and the wind picked up. Me in the crew a ponderin if we could get the treasarr before the storm got us. Aye, we set the sails and prayed to Poseidon. Blisterin Barnicles! whatever be in that treasarr chest had a magical effect. The storm rolled back o'er the hills and disappeared into the mist. HAH! TFTC
Why are pirates called pirates? They just RRRRR!!! Me crew and me be scratching our beards for while with this hunt. But lady luck was on our side and before we knew it, we had the treasure in hand. HAH! TFTC
We searched high, and we search low for ni on 15 minutes. The crew were grumbling that the treasure must have been plundered by muggles. We almost abandoned ship, but there in the shade, the treasure awaited. HAH! TFTC
That be a fine place te hide ye treasarrr! No pesky muggles trying to count out ye paces. TFTC
The crew be singin - "We don't like criket, oh no! We love it arrrrrrrrrrrr! TFTC
Ahhrr me hearty. This be the easiest treasure hunt in the world. We sailed to the GZ, anchored, walked to the likely tree. Low and behold me crew found it within a heartbeat. HAH! TFTC
Hoo Rah, and a bottle of rum! Me crew and me found it nice and fast today. Who was the scurvy pirate that had moved it from where it was supposed to be? If I meet ye, you will be made to walk the plank. HAH! TFTC
Tricky we beasty this one. Me pirate compass directed me to the wrong end of the fallen one. Luckily we found it just before we were about to set sail. TFTC
Arghh blast it to smithereens! We hunted and hunted, but alas no treasure to be found. It looks like a new clue has appeared in the logs, so we will be back again - HAH!
Arhh, it be a good thing we have some shorties in our crew. They scampered in and found the cache before I finished reading the sign. HAH! TFTC
Took me crew to me 'ol stomping grounds. Found the cache after a fair amount of gardening. Lovely spot for a picnic. TFTC
Me and me crew had to abandon the hunt the first visit, due to scurvy muggles guarding the treasarrh. But Poseidon smiled on us today, and there were no guards about. TFTC
OhhhhH, that be a good shady spot. Me and me crew enjoyed ice blocks at the picnic table while evading the burning dragon in the sky. TFTC
Aye, what a beautiful spot. We follow the trail over the hill, and the treasure was buried right on the X marks the spot. Thanks for bringing me and me crew here ☺
Arrr, that be a good spot. Great place to hide ye treasarrr! This be the best treasarrr hunt I have had! TFTC
The case of the missing treasarrr! We searched high and low nigh on 4 days! The crew were in a very dark mood indeed. But Ho! Today we find it, right in the same spot we had glimpsed before. A witch must have betwixt mine eyes! Luckily magic spells don't last forever. Ha! TFTC
Oohh Arrh eww. We don't like cricket, oh no! We love it, nah! Nice place to hide the treasure. Take what ya can get, and give nothing back. Hah! TFTC
Arrrhhh Me Heartys, we found the X marks the spot, but alas no treasure. Nice place to hide the cache though. TFTC
Arghh, what miserable weather. Thunder boomed, and lightning cracked. We searched and searched but alas no treasure to be found. Half the crew came down with a bad case of the barnacles, and we had to abandon ship
Arrr me hearty, what bountiful treasure! Me and me crew got caught by Muggles. Lucky we are pirates, we now have more crew to swab the decks. HAH! TFTC
Ohhh arrr oohhh, that thing be way too small for treasure. Aye, me hook was very useful indeed for removing it from its cage. TFTC
We came to do battle with ye troll, but the scurvey beastie hid from us. Thanks for the treasarhhh ☺
Why are pirates called pirates? They just Ahrrrr! TFTC, great hiding place, and great bounty!
Arhhh, we would like to make the cache hider walk the plank. You can bank on this one stumping you! TFTC ☺