a rather bad selfie...
By Aykayem
In Canberra Virtual Tour No. 10 - National Library of Australia
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silly selfie... I am tired, and in a strange mood, so I decided to be all artistic... or something - lol
By Aykayem
In Magna Carta Place
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Silly selfie (looking a bit "worse for the wear"... the joys of having been being stressed and anxious about stuff, and crying w
By Aykayem
In Weetangera Trig, Weetangera Hill, Latham ACT
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I probabky should have tried to look like I am enjoying myself... oops? (I am enjoying myself, but i often don't look like it in
By Aykayem
In Lakeside
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selfie... GPSr (my phone :) not in photo because I used it to take the photo - lol
By Aykayem
In Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre - Engineering Heritage National Marker
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has been so long it is merging with the surroundings - lol
By Aykayem
In Lower Molonglo River Corridor
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mmmmm... just a bit past the best before date :)
By Aykayem
In Down By the (Molonglo) River
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