Logs for KelRae29 

Had a great time finding it. TFTC Smile 
Found with ease. TFTC!! 
Found it however was accused of stealing from a letter box. After some explaining we signed the log and returned. TFTC! Big Grin 
Found it. TFTC! 
Found and took TB. TFTC Smile 
This geocacher reported that the logbook is full. 
Unknowingly stumbled upon the final location whilst heading to ground zero. Solved the puzzle but due to gps equipment failure relied on previous logs and images to take us to the final location. Awesome cache. log book almost full though. TFTC Big Grin 
Found after long walk. TFTC 
Found it easy. Covered with a few leaves. TFTC 
Found after second attempt. 
Awesome geocache! Very excited to find a trackable. TFTC 
Box slightly damp inside. "Bluey Pete" trackable was missing. Drizzling rain kept the muggles away. TFTC 
Found without issues. TFTC 
Found after second attempt. Had a tissue on it so "sanitized" with Aroguard upon opening. 
Fond after second attempt. TFTC 
Easy find. Put in a few things. Great for getting started. TFTH 
First readabe cache for me. TFTC 
Had fun. Hard to find, but got it eventually. 
Good hide but in need of serious maintenance. TFTC