Logs for robbotrooper 
We did the climb up the Gulley walk (took 2 hours up) and when we were on top we decided there would likely be a cache here. scramble to the tope of the Cairn and 10 minutes later we have this cache. took a while to work it out but found it.
we had already signed the book before finding that there was a cache, so another hour and a half and we were back at the car, off to do the pound walk and then the other base walks
we had already signed the book before finding that there was a cache, so another hour and a half and we were back at the car, off to do the pound walk and then the other base walks
Found the cache and dropped off the shackle trackable - did not know what it was called because picked it up in Karijini and dropped it here with no acces to net.
Nice spot. Gorge plays havoc with GPS. My GPS put the cache in the water by 10m. Needed the hint.
Good spot. Took the shackle trackable. This is logged late as I have been away from the net for a few weeks.
Found it safe and sound with Sunnyshels. Iceland Trackable was in there Sunnyshels took it.
Very well hidden, good job. Just watch out for the ants, spiders and roadtrain drivers.
Found it whilst visiting Kooljamin for a couple of days.
Left Captain mics Boris "The Blade" Scallawag TB which I had carried across from Katherine Gorge NP in the NT. We tried to leave him near the beach in Mandorah but all the caches were too small.
TFTC and your rings are still safe and sound inside.
Left Captain mics Boris "The Blade" Scallawag TB which I had carried across from Katherine Gorge NP in the NT. We tried to leave him near the beach in Mandorah but all the caches were too small.
TFTC and your rings are still safe and sound inside.
Found it on the way out of Mandorah towards Darwin. Date might be out a day, I forgot to write it all down. TFTC
Searched high and higher. waypoints of the hint seemed off so we assumed it was the corners of the jetty and paced it to the middle of the shelter, a couple of people were fishing but not paying us any attention. We looked for almost an hour and could not find it.
Was in the first place I looked, but did not look hard enough. As the previous people have said, needs maintenance.
Found it. Beautiful spot. Worth walking/swimming down the gorge, we went about 3.5km and found heaps of beautiful spots.
Beautiful spot, not sure how you get to the top pool as per the document and photos in the cache, I climbed up the rocks on the left about 10m back from waterfall and ended up way above the top pool. It looked very deep and there was the biggest monitor I have ever seen sunning by it.
The cache is in pretty bad nick, looks like it got pretty wet recently.
The cache is in pretty bad nick, looks like it got pretty wet recently.
Great cache, we stayed at the national park but dropped in to Adel's on the way to Kingfisher Camp for a look and icey pole.
Took the FTF tag, thanks.
Took the FTF tag, thanks.